Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Knimbus Digital Library-


Access to videos journals and Ebooks please register on link from New User Sign up 

Calibre Digital library-

915 Books 400 Question papers and College News added 

Please contact to librarian if any query 


The Inspiring Science Award


The jury and the sponsors aim to recognise and reward quality science, inspire scholarship and support researchers to pursue their passion in the life sciences by selecting the best published scientific paper in the life sciences from India each year.


The Award and the Travel Fellowship is for the best paper in the Life Sciences published from India. The Award and the Travel Fellowship is open to young scientists in the Life Sciences who have published a paper between 1st November 2016 and 31th October 2017. The scientist must be affiliated to a research institution or university based in India, where the work must have been conducted. Papers with co-authors (Indian or International) are also eligible for consideration. However, the Award/Travel fellowship will be made to the primary (first) author who is expected to be enrolled in a Graduate program or have secured his/her PhD degree not before 1st October 2013.


The Award is open to scientific papers in the Life Sciences published between 1st November 2016 and 31st October 2017 (both dates inclusive). Other eligibility details and a link to the entry form are available at http://www.tnq.co.in/inspiring-science-award-kdpl/
We look forward to receiving your entry for 2018 as we continue to build India's only scientific paper award for the Indian science student community.

International workshop on “ Information Management for research and education oriented Libraries '' during 18-22 December 2017

Central Library of AISSMS College of Engineering is going to organize

International workshop on “ Information Management for research and education oriented Libraries '' during 18-22 December 2017

You are requested to visit the workshop site for more details.

You can also pay online fee see registration link for information 

I invite you to exploit this opportunity and give wide publicity to this workshop.

We look forward to your active participation in this workshop.

Thanking you,

Vrushali  Dandawate
Organizing Secretary
Landline- 26058587- Ext 1131 

Pawan Sharma 
Member organizing committee